
Bijou cocktail
Bijou cocktail

bijou cocktail

The classic Bijou features gin, sweet vermouth, green Chartreuse and orange bitters, while Mustipher’s Ti’ Bijou enlists gin as a secondary spirit, instead calling upon. The original Bijou cocktail recipe called for equal parts of gin, sweet vermouth and Chartreuse, but many bartenders have dialed back the proportion of sweet vermouth and Chartreuse a bit. This twist on the Bijou cocktail was created by New York bartender, writer and rum aficionado Shannon Mustipher during her time at the now-closed Glady’s bar in Brooklyn. Gin for diamond, sweet vermouth for a ruby and Chartreuse for an emerald. Johnson apparently named the Bijou thinking of the use of the word to denote a jewel. This took off in the early 2000s as bartenders more widely looked back in time for inspiration. The Bijou regained attention In the 1980s when the “King of Cocktails” Dale DeGroff saw it in Johnson’s book. After all, the Bijou recipe uses only ordinary pantry supplies. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, if desired. Strain into a chilled Nick & Nora or coupe glass. Why the Martini and Manhattan stayed in the mainstream while the Bijou languished is a mystery to us. Ingredients 1 1/2 ounces gin 1 ounce sweet vermouth 3/4 ounce green Chartreuse 2 dashes orange bitters Garnish: 1 maraschino cherry (optional) Steps Add all ingredients into a mixing glass with ice and stir until well-chilled. But today we’re going to focus on the Bijou cocktail, one of his creations that languished in obscurity after Prohibition. Our protagonist Harry Johnson invented a number of drinks, including hair-of-the-dog hangover cures like the Morning Glory Fizz. And, of course, “ Harry” of Ciro’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails where we’re not quite sure who wrote it.

bijou cocktail

There was our oft quoted Harry Craddock of The Savoy Cocktail Book. There was Harry MacElhone, who wrote Barflies and Cocktails. We’re not sure if his name did it, but it seems like a lot of luminary bartenders that followed were named Harry. He opened a bar management consulting agency and was the first bar consultant in history. Harry wasn’t bartending himself after 1890.


The later version has a full 157 pages on how to operate a bar.


Updated versions of the New and Improved Bartender’s Manual followed in 18.

bijou cocktail

This was perhaps the first publication that was really more than recipes, and included instructions on how to operate a bar. Unfortunately, Bijou cocktail has been forgotten over the course of time. This mixture is a very herbal, full-bodied, slightly sweet cocktail that makes an excellent and at the same time complex after-dinner drink. It is an excellent combination of gin, vermouth and green chartreuse. By 1881 the International News Company asked him to expand it, and in 1882 came the New and Improved Bartender’s Manual. Bijou cocktail is a drink from the 19th century. He wrote his first book, Bartender’s Manual, in 1869. Thomas used to work there, and soon publicly renounced any association with it.Īlong the way Johnson did his most enduring work.

bijou cocktail

This pre-Prohibition cocktail consists of sweet. His bar met its unfortunate demise in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, so he moved to New York and bought the bar Little Jumbo. The Bijou cocktail is a drink built with gin, sweet vermouth, and green Chartreuse Bijou Cocktail Info. This put him on the map, as he gave lectures and wrote articles and recipes for local newspapers. Johnson eventually moved to Chicago and opened his own bar. He worked his way up to be a bartender and then manager, and met Jerry Thomas, an influential bartender. His ship left him in San Francisco in 1861 to recover from injuries, and he started as a kitchen-boy at the Union Hotel. Stir gin bluebird chartreuse liqueur green vermouth rosso ambrosia bitters ice and served cold in a martini glass is a Bijou cocktail at 40 alcohol and 3.2. Harry Johnson, the Bartenderīorn in Prussia on August 28, 1845, Harry Johnson became a sailor. From his epic book, Bartender’s Manual, to the Bijou cocktail recipe, this is one solidly impressive Johnson. Judged by the New York Sun as the ‘Dean Emeritus’ of the bartending world, we owe Harry Johnson a lot. Some people think of Harry Johnson as just a prank call name (and we do like that use), but our discerning readers also know he was a pioneering bartender. $(this).closest('#scFooterRegistrationFormConfigWrapper').find('.August 28 is the day to celebrate Harry Johnson’s birthday and for that we’ll be mixing the Bijou cocktail.

Bijou cocktail